Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back to the Bike!

Skipped a week on the bike, mostly because I got caught up in a writing project and Monday evening slipped away from me.

Tonight I made a lot of progress, I think. It's hard to judge when the bicycle essentially looks the same for a long time. But, I flipped the cranks (they were on the wrong side), put a derailer hanger and a derailer on for the gears, found a shifter and spent a whole hour learning how to tighten and adjust brakes. That was the most satisfying part. Getting the brakes to the point where I could spin the wheels, squeeze the controls and make them stop - JOY! ACCOMPLISHMENT!


Stagnated a bit with the batons. I need to get off my butt and watch some educational videos and get over the whole I-was-never-a-cheerleader-therefore-I-suck thing. Because seriously - I'm having a junior high crisis NOW? At my age? Is this penance for not going to junior high?

I'm looking forward to Burn Club tomorrow, as always. I just want to learn a new trick to show off, darnit. But I have work tomorrow morning.

Also, new laptop to play with! But that's a whole other kettle of fish.

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